AULRE Seminar

Wednesday 9th February 2022 (17:30-19:00)

David Lewin is doing a talk about the project for AULRE (Association for University Lecturers in Religious Education). Here is the abstract: The 'After Religious Education’ project addresses two main questions: 1) What should the pedagogical logic of the representation of (non)religion(s) in RE be? 2) How can this pedagogical logic be illustrated through the development of exemplary curricular materials? This pedagogical logic attempts to set out principles for an inclusive yet nonetheless selective curriculum. If we can’t include every religious and non-religious worldview, how do we approach RE?

Here is a ‘Sneak Peak’.



Rethinking ‘subject content’ in RE


What’s ‘what’ in RE: Relating the what, the how and the why of curriculum content.